About Ortuino



Ortuino is an educational horticulture kit composed by a container-vase of hexagonal plant, to whose inside are set soil, water, seeds, and an electronic device based on the Arduino microcontroller, along with sensors, lights and actuators. These elements are functional to the survey of the conditions of the kit and its surrounding environment, to assure the comfortable growth of the plants inside.






According to the educational function of the kit, no automation takes place when conditions aren’t optimal, just visual and musical alerts when the user, kid or adult, interacts with the kit itself.

The kit is tought to have branded seed packs studied according to specific botanic consociations, small wooden lasercut tools, and informations about the philosophies of permaculture and sustainability.

In the future a web platform will be developed, to be home of a community of users, to give news and informations about sustainability, urban cultivation, green tech and similar; and to remotely monitor the conditions of the kit.





The activities of the team revolved also around seminars lessons and workshops, focused both on the green /tech area on the entrepreneurship and the development of ideas into projects.

The inspiring idea of these creations and activities it is bring together parents and children and make them approach the world of cultivation, sustainability.

Responsability is a core concept, where technology helps to understand but doesn’t replace human intervention;

We wanted to bring the world of the cultivation on metropolitan terraces and apartments, and to bring together parents and children through the mediation of the base web and the understanding of the inherent natural dynamics of cultivation;





The core idea of this project started during a workshop sponsored by the Metropolitan city of Milan and based in WeMake, an important makerspace of the city. The potential of the idea was so promising that the team decided to go on and brought it to a quite high degree of success, winning prizes in the European Makerfaire 2016 and going on air on national television in “Ufficio Brevetti”, part of the “I Fatti Vostri” show on Rai1.

I left some time ago the team after a time of stop in the activities and due to differences in the core direction to take. I still wish all good to this beautiful project, you can follow Ortuino on facebook, Instagram, or connecting to Ortuino.it

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